​My name is Adena Blickstein, MD, MPH. I am a licensed clinical child/adolescent psychiatrist and business leader who invested in systemic paradigm shifts with in mental health worldwide, the true healing of every individual to a place of trust and loving acceptance of the self, and a visionary towards an awakened, interdependent, harmonious planet.
What is Holistic Psychiatry?
Family Focused healing
Teal Dragon Healing is a platform bringing bundled holistic services that target the whole family rather than the individual. We offer an array of services ranging from energy healers, wellness practitioners to allopaths.
Welcome to Teal Dragon!

My Story
I take a holistic approach to healing and a conservative approach with medication. I uncover root causes through comprehensive, holistic assessments and speak honestly and authentically to all of my clients to gently and lovingly guide them towards their truth. Working with me involves a 360 degree look at what is contributing to feelings of dis-ease in order to guide each individual towards a more awakened, conscious and heart-centered life.
What I do with families on a microcosmic level I do with business on a macrocosmic level. I assist businesses in optimizing their impact on families and children through strategic consulting and expansion of an institutions highest potential to service and love itself and its constituents.
This work is my life's purpose and it gives me great joy to serve in this capacity.​

Contact us
If you feel resonance, I'd love to hear from you.
Tel: 917-613-0886​